Tips for Improving Your Photography Skills

Tips - Improving your Photography Skills

Here are some guidelines that can assist you in developing your photography skills. Always Carry Your Camera Everywhere The main reason being that you can miss those great photographic opportunities because you don't have you camera with you. Make it a habit of carrying your camera with you everywhere you go because you never know what you'll encounter that day. ...

The Importance of Horizon Line in Photography

Horizon line in photography

The most common mistake made by beginners in photography on composition is the placement of horizon line which is not balance and other lines are inharmonic. Actually it is a very simple thing but if we pay more attention to it, it will give a great effect on the resulted picture. Why does balance and straight line become so...

The World’s 7 Most Expensive Photographs

7 Most Expensive Photographs

The following are the 7 most expensive photographs to ever be sold any where in the world. And these photos may leave you wondering as to how they can be sold at such an unbelievably steep price. 7. Tobolsk Kremlin (2009) Dimitry Medvedev, Tobolsk Kremlin (2009). Sold for USD $1,750,000 on January 2010 in Christmas Yarmarka, Saint Petersburg. 6. Billy...

Thanko Mame Cam Cute Micro Camera

Thanko Mame Cam Cute Micro Camera

No, that’s not a toy you’re seeing, it’s a real, working camera, complete with Micro-SD storage up to 32 gigs.The Mame-Cam is a fully functioning ultra tiny camera that can take still images and video. Created by Thanko, a Japanese company, the Mame-Cam utilizes a microSD card to store all of its data. Small enough to sit on your...

The Importance of Empty Space In a Photograph

The importance of empty space in photography

Almost in every picture we must see an empty space. That empty space is there for a reason, because emptiness is not always meaningless. Empty space can be very beneficial in adding aesthetic effect on a picture but on the other hand, it can also ruin the beauty of it. Yet it is definitely one of the composition elements...