Home Articles The World’s 7 Most Expensive Photographs

The World’s 7 Most Expensive Photographs

7 Most Expensive Photographs
7 Most Expensive Photographs

7 Most Expensive Photographs
7 Most Expensive Photographs

The following are the 7 most expensive photographs to ever be sold any where in the world. And these photos may leave you wondering as to how they can be sold at such an unbelievably steep price.

7. Tobolsk Kremlin (2009)

7 Most Expensive Photographs - Tobolsk Kremlin
7 Most Expensive Photographs - Tobolsk Kremlin

Dimitry Medvedev, Tobolsk Kremlin (2009). Sold for USD $1,750,000 on January 2010 in Christmas Yarmarka, Saint Petersburg.

6. Billy the Kid (1879-1880)

7 Most Expensive Photographs- Billy the Kid
7 Most Expensive Photographs- Billy the Kid

Photographer unknwon. Sold for USD $2,300,000 on June 2011 in Brian Level Old West Show and Auction.

5. The Pond-Moonlight (1904)

7 Most Expensive Photographs - The Pond Moonlight
7 Most Expensive Photographs - The Pond Moonlight

Edward Steichen, The Pond-Moonlight (1904), USD $2,928,000, sold on Februari 2006, in a Sotherby auction in New York.

4. 99 Cent II Diptychon (2001)

7 Most Expensive Photographs - 99 cent II diptychon

Andreas Gursky, 99 Cent II Diptychon (2001), USD $3,346,456, sold on Februari 2007, in a Sotherby auctioin in London.

3. Untitled (Cowboy)

7 Most Expensive Photographs - Untitled Cowboy
7 Most Expensive Photographs - Untitled Cowboy

Richard Prince, “Untitled (Cowboy)” (c.2001-2002), $3,401,000, sold on 14 November 2007 in a New York Sotherby auction.

2. Untitled # 96 (1981)

7 Most Expensive Photographs - Cindy Shermans Untitled 96
7 Most Expensive Photographs - Cindy Shermans Untitled 96

Cindy Sherman, Untitled # 96 (1981), USD $3.89 million, sold on Mei 2011, at Christie action house in New York.

1. Rhine II (1999)

7 Most Expensive Photographs - Rhein II
7 Most Expensive Photographs - Rhein II

Andreas Gursky, Rhine II (1999), USD $4,338,500, sold on 8 November, 2011, at Christie action house in New York.

So what aspects of the above photographs made their price tags so incredibly expensive? Laymans many not find anything special with these photograph. But as in any other types of art, the value of a work in the world of photography isn’t concrete. There’s not one clear parameter to measure their values. The factor that may make a photograph extraordinary may be its historical value, the photographer itself, or it may be because if the location and object that the photograph depict. Also, it can just be purely judged by individual taste of its beholder. A photograph enthusiast may want to purchase a photograph simply because he or she loves it and is able to afford it.


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