Back then, when the first time I knew and learnt photography like most of you did, you might diligently look for tips and tricks related to it about things to do and things not to do when you shoot (rules of photography). The most basic and the most common rule of photography which is constantly taught includes “rule of the third” where the object of photo should be placed on one thirds of the photo frame, or the rule where a photographer is suggested to use low ISO to get sharp and noise-free result. However, at one point, I realize that in order to create a unique photo, I have to get out from those rules that I’ve learnt. Yes, break the rules!
So, what are the rules we can break to get unique images?
1.Rule of third
As explained on the previous article, rule of third is about placing an object of your photo on one thirds or two thirds of the photo frame so that the composition looks more interesting. Once in a while, you may like to get out from the track, shoot with non-mainstream composition. For instance, you may place the object on a one fifths of the photo frame or put it in the middle of it (dead center).

2. Use high ISO
Low ISO can make your image look sharper and smoother because the lower the ISO the lower the noise that appears on the resulted photo. However, do you know that noises on a photo can actually exude artistic impression on your photo? So, do not hesitate to use high ISO.

3. Ignore the light meter
In order to measure the amount of light that get into the sensor and to get exact lighting, every camera got a light meter as its feature. But, do you know about the fact that not all good photos are resulted by following the rule of light meter? You will not get a photo with great silhouette, sunrise, sunset or one with a perfect backlight if you follow the standard of light meter.

4. Extreme camera angle
Do not shoot using ordinary angles all the time, for example eye-level angle. Try to take extreme angles to get non-mainstream photos, extreme low angle for instance.

5. Out Focus
One photo out of focus is a mistake, ten photos out of focus are experimentation, and one hundred photos out of focus are a style.

6. Telephoto lens to shoot a landscape
Most of the time you are suggested to take wide angle while shooting a landscape because the perspective can be wider. However, taking a shot of a landscape using Telephoto lens can be as great and beautiful if you are keen enough to find a good angle. Or if you feel that this Tele lens got an inadequately wide perspective, you can try to create a panorama photo like what is explained in the following article.
Tutorial Creating a Panorama Photo using Adobe Photoshop

Finally, the question is what is the purpose of creating rules in photography?
Those rules are created in order to help beginners in photography who want to learn some basics and when they finally master it they can develop some techniques of photography by breaking the rules they have learnt before. So do not hesitate, just break the rules.