Tips on Shooting at the Blue Hour

Blue Hour Photography

Immortalizing flickering lights at the dark night is one of the photography branches which are lot of fun. The notion for it is called “night shoot”. Those gleaming and sparkling lamps are captured by the camera and appear like colorful stars that warm and cheer the dark night. And it just simply becomes so beautiful. However, there is a...

How to Get the Star Effect in Photography

Star Effect Photography

Generally, when people choose a lens, they seldom consider the amount of blades in the lens’ aperture. But in fact, the amount of blades is very very important if your photography interests include photographing elements of light or the sun and love achieving that star effect. The difference in aperture settings doesn’t only affect the Depth of Field (DOF)...

Vivian Maier – The Nanny Photographer

Vivian Maier, Self Portrait

Vivian Maier was a phenomenon and a story that tells us how an appreciation for art which come too late. She was an amateur photographer who worked every day as a nanny or a baby sitter. Vivian spent her free time taking images in the streets of big cities like New York and Chicago from 1950 to1970. The results...

5 Habits that Improve Your Skills In Photography

5 Habits that Improve Your Photography Skills

Indeed, digital camera gives photographers a number of benefits. The LCD screen on it allows us to see the resulted photo right after the shutter button is pressed and if the result is not satisfactory you can simply delete it and take another shot. Apart from that, the auto exposure feature also makes things even easier for us. Even...

How to Achieve a Levitation Photograph using Adobe Photoshop

Levitation tricks

Levitation is a currently trending style of photography, one of the pioneers being the Japanese photographer Natsumi Hayashi. The technique is really quite simple. All you need is jump up, and have the photograph taken as the subject is in mid air. Besides the jump style, what must be paid attention to is the expression on...