12 Tips for Candid Photography

12 Tips for Candid Photography

There is a term in photography, candid shots, where the subject of the photograph is not in a controlled position or unaware of the...
An easy way to use manual lenses on DSLRs

Easy ways to use manual lenses on DSLRs

Since the digital age introduced itself to cameras, photography has become more intriguing and definitely more enjoy, for both hobbyists/enthusiasts and professionals. With...
Soccer Match Photo Tips

Tips to Shoot During Soccer Match

Shooting a soccer match is almost similar to shooting any other sport branches. There are many times photographers have no clue about what they...
Basic Camera (DSLR) Settings that must be understood

Basic Camera (DSLR) Settings that must be understood

Believe it or not, there are still many owners of digital cameras that still do not understand the basic settings of their cameras. ...
Bored Tired of Photographing and How to Overcome It

Bored or Tired of Photographing and How to Overcome It

Unless you make a living as a photographer, photography, like other hobbies, may get boring at times. Not to mention if your free...