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Creating Unusual Bokeh With Your Fingers
Want a photograph with this unique bokeh?
It's easy and cheap to do, without any complicated editing in Photoshop, without any expensive filters, and without...
I built an app that does triangulation of points on the...
And when we woke up, we had these bodies. They're like, except I'm having them! Oh, I think we should just stay friends. You'll...
5 World’s Most Unique Cameras
1.Barbie Camera
If you're a fan of cameras, but don't want to own one that looks like a camera, you have to check out these...
Understanding the “Image Stabilizer” Function of a DSLR
One thing that is now often found on new generation digital cameras is the “Image Stabilizer.” Panasonic names this feature with the term...
Tips to Keep Your DSLR Battery Last Longer
For your camera, a battery is like the heart inside our body and there will be a situation where we need a strategy to...
Tips: Caring for and Storing Photographs to Maintain Quality
A photograph can be very valuable because of the image that it depicts. It may be of a once-in-a-lifetime moment or of a...
Tips on Shooting at the Blue Hour
Immortalizing flickering lights at the dark night is one of the photography branches which are lot of fun. The notion for it is called...