Home Beginner's Guide to Photography Forced Perspective Photography Tips and Tricks

Forced Perspective Photography Tips and Tricks

Flower Forced Perspective Photography
Flower Forced Perspective Photography

Flower Forced Perspective Photography
Flower Forced Perspective Photography

We of course choose a hobby based on interest. Otherwise, what’s the point? Work should also be based on interest for us to enjoy it. There are many different ways to enjoy photography as a hobby. One way by trying to achieve forced perspective photographs. As the name suggests, this photography technique plays around with perspectives. We manipulate people’s perception towards the object by view of forced perspective. With this, we can manipulate big objects to look tiny and viceversa without the use of Photoshop.

Sun Forced Perspective photography
Sun Forced Perspective photography

1. Imagination
Before photographing in forced perspective, imagine what you’re trying to achieve in the photograph. Imagine a photo where small buildings appear small by manipulating the angle of the person in the frame to look like a giant. Or, imagine a person seeming like they can carry the moon on their shoulders.

Forced Perspective Photography tricks
Forced Perspective Photography tricks

2. Choose the right lens.
Choosing the right lens is key in achieving a forced perspective photograph. First, you’ll have to understand the different characteristics of the lens’ distortion. A wide lens will make close objects appear bigger and the background will appear smaller and distant. Telephoto lens, on the other hand, will make the background appear nearer.

Forced Perspective Photography with Sky
Forced Perspective Photography with Sky

3. Aperture
Use a narrow aperture (larger units) when photographing in forced perspective, like f/8 or f/11, because this will achieve a deep depth of field making the background and foreground appear sharp. If you use a wide aperture, your background will appear blurry so the perspective won’t appear natural. Consult my other article on details about what aperture does.

Forced Perspective Photography ideas
Forced Perspective Photography ideas

4. Live view
Use the Live View mode if it’s a feature your camera has. By using the live view, you’ll be able to easily compose the object and see the results right on screen. What you see is what you will get.

Sky Forced Perspective Photography
Sky Forced Perspective Photography

5. The Perfect Moment
If you want to create a forced perspective photograph, especially when your photograph incorporates nature such as clouds, the sun, or the moon, then you’ll have to be patient in waiting for that perfect moment. Always be ready with your camera because nature’s gems appears randomly and unpredictably.

Forced Perspective Photography - Basket Ball
Forced Perspective Photography – Basket Ball

Forced Perspective
Forced Perspective

Forced Perspective Technique
Forced Perspective Technique


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