Home Beginner's Guide to Photography Photography ideas: Out-Of-Focus Photography

Photography ideas: Out-Of-Focus Photography

Out of focus photograph
Out of focus photograph

Out of focus photograph
Out of focus photograph

Many beginner photographers think that a good photo can only be obtained by using a sharp lens that produces sharpness right to the edge of the frame. There’s truth in that, but it’s not always so. A sharp image without a sharp message doesn’t amount to much of a photograph. What would make a better image would be one that conveys a clear message and sparks an interest.

In photography, sharpness isn’t everything. The meaning and depth of story-telling is more valuable in a photograph. The following are a few examples of how mis-focused photographs can work. The mis-focus doesn’t hinder the photo from its story; in fact, it creates a bolder statement.

In the photo titled “Stranger” below, you can see how the out-of-focus adds to the “stranger” element.

Out of Focus Photography - Stranger
Out of Focus Photography – Stranger

Same goes with this next photo. The mixture of focused and unfocused photographs creates extra depth in the story telling.

Out of Focus photography ideas
Out of Focus photography ideas

You can also apply this trick to a scenery photo. It’ll add a surreal feel to the photograph like seen below.

Photography tips - Out of focus photography
Photography tips – Out of focus photography

So don’t be so hard on yourself when you can’t create a sharp image because your lens isn’t up to par. Make an out-of-focus photo on purpose by turning off that Auto Focus and let your imagination do the manual work.
At the end of the day, it’s all about how we use the tools we have that make something great. Explore and create something different.


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