Home Articles 5 Top Android Photography Apps you should have

5 Top Android Photography Apps you should have

5 Top Android Photography Apps
5 Top Android Photography Apps

5 Top Android Photography Apps
5 Top Android Photography Apps

There are now plenty of apps in the Android market that’s photography-themed. But many are similar to each other and can sometimes do more harm than good to your photographs. Here are the 5 most-recommended must-have photography apps by OneSlidePhotography:


Instagram for Android
Instagram for Android

Instagram Gallery
Instagram Gallery

Who doesn’t know Instagram? This app, who’s been recently bought by Facebook, are installed in most smart phones around the world. Besides the fact that it’s free, this app has great features such as various filters that will enhance your photos. It’s also integrated into their own social networking photo-sharing system for you to upload and share your photos right into the Instagram app.

2.360 Camera


Camera 360 for Android
Camera 360 for Android

From the name, you might think that it’s an app to create a 360 panoramic photo. But it’s actually not for that. Like other photography apps on a smartphone, this application functions to edit your photos instantly with its preset filters. On 360 Camera, the filters available are very interesting. It not only give vintage-inspired filters, but also filters that enhance the professional-level of your photos with selective color, swap color, b&w visual, HDR, magic color, and others. I also think that you’ll get your money’s worth to buy the ultimate version of this app in order to get access to all its features. And I think this is the best photo-processing app in android right now.

*(Now Available for Free Download on Google Play)



QuickPic Gallery
QuickPic Gallery

Quickpic is a photo browser for Android. What makes it special is that this browser is considerably fast when opening up hi-resolution photos. If you feel that your android smartphone’s browser lags, this is a good alternative. Quickpic can also be used as a video player. And the best part is, it’s free!

4.Photaf Panorama Pro

Photaf Panorama Pro
Photaf Panorama Pro

Photaf Gallery
Photaf Gallery

Photaf is an app that will allow you to photograph 360 panoramas in high-resolution (for Pro version). This application also has a waterpass that’ll guide you in taking the photos so you’ll produce precise and concise 360 photograph. Photaf also has its own web gallery for you to upload your photograph into so it’ll be a breeze sharing and commenting on each other’s photos.


MyTubo for Android
MyTubo for Android

MyTubo Sample Image
MyTubo Sample Image

MyTubo is really very similar to Instagram (but its name isn’t as popular), where you can photograph, set filters, and upload your photo to an integrated social-media site made available by MyTubo. What differentiates Mytubo with Instagram is that Instagram requires you to upload 1:1 (square) photos while MyTubo gives you the freedom of photo proportions.


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