Learning photography is indeed, very enjoyable, especially, when we are just in the start of experiencing a new camera. But then that passion will slowly fade away. You will feel tedious and reluctant to learn again. There are some tips and tricks to always improve your skill in photography and ways to make you feel not easily bored by it.
1.Studying manual books and knowing our equipments
There are so many people who purchase photography equipments but are reluctant to read the camera’s manual book they get when they bought the camera. Whereas actually by reading it, we will know better of the equipments we use.
Make some notes or marks so we can get quick answer when we forget every time we need it. Give a mark on things we are not so clear about and then ask our friends who also learn photography but have better understanding than us.
Try not to often ask trivial questions about how to operate our equipments while shooting or hunting because it will distract and disturb your friends and make them miss good moments.
Study the function of the camera, features and its menu. It will be a waste if you buy an expensive camera and you cannot make use of its features well because you have no idea about how to use it.
2.Be a customer of magazines on photography or look for information on internet.
By reading magazines on photography published nationally or internationally we can find out the development of photography in term of its technique, the advancement of its equipments and tools as well as steps and tips of shooting from experienced and eminent photographers. Through internet media, you can find so many pieces of photograph and image that will inspire you. Visit websites on photography to see amazing pieces of photography. There are so many blogs that discuss and cover photography like OneSlidePhotography.com that can help you learn.
3. Join photography clubs and community
By joining clubs and communities, we can get so many precious experiences from it. We can meet experienced members who will share their stories and give their tips related to photography.
Moreover, it will be nice to join these people to go hunting together. These clubs are commonly found in big cities and if there is none in our place we may join via internet with other photography clubs. Or we may also make our own new community in our own region as one of the ways to improve our skills and ability in photography.
4. Join workshops in photography
By joining these workshops we can obtain more knowledge and information related photography and in addition, we may gain new friends who have the same hobby with whom we can share techniques in photography. This is exactly a good way to enhance our ability and skills in photography.
5. Photography Hunting Trip
By joining hunting trip, we can go together with some friends to exotic locations and remote places which are usually difficult to be reached. It is similar to when we join workshops, hunting trip will let use get more knowledge in photography and some new friendships.
6. Read and collect books on photography
Apart from being a customer of photography magazines, another way to improve your skills in photography is by reading and collecting books on photography as much as possible. In this very era, to get these books are very easy. You may pick books with topics that you like.
Look at and learn images and how they are taken. Every photographer has his own character and way of taking photographs. After that, you may develop one according to your imagination.
7. Take as many images as you can and continue learning
Like the saying, experience is the best teacher. That is how we should always continue learning by constantly taking images. It will help enhancing our skills and ability in photography. It will not be a bad idea at all for us to join competitions in photography and never let yourself down if you do not come out as the winner. Apart from that, always bring your camera with you all the time wherever you go because interesting moments may suddenly happen in locations which we never expect.