When we are in the same location or position and we would like to immortalize what we see on camera, sometimes, we unconsciously make several mistakes. Though they are not fatal, but the impacts on the photos we take will look less interesting. Even though we can later fix those errors using software editing like Photoshop, but isn’t it better to start avoiding those mistakes. Because there are times when we use software for editing, some objects that we like to highlight are disturbed. That is why we need to recognize then avoid several things that can make our images look less attractive here.
Aslant horizon line
This commonly happens when we take landscape image or scenery. Landscape image with the view of the aslant horizon line will make the people who see it feel that there is something odd about that image. Because the first thing they see is the photo’s position, whether it is upright (portrait) or fall down (landscape). When the position is known, people will start to pay attention to the details of the image that we make, except when we deliberately want to highlight the aslant horizon for a particular purpose.
This is the most common mistake that is made usually by beginners. During the process of digital editing, most beginners in photography want to have conspicuous colors like green lush leaves, blue azures, and red flaming twilight skies. However, what happens quite often is that they excessively edit the color saturation level so that the result will look too much and it will ruin the beauty of the photo itself.

The cropped parts of the body
When you capture a human object on camera whether it is a portrait, a snapshot or candid, it is better to take the full body of the object. But when you like to highlight a certain part for example a sitting person and you like to capture his or her upper body, make sure that you take exactly the part where it should be delightful to see, for example from the waist. If it is taken from less exact position, human photo will look weird and less attractive, for example when you take it up from their shin.
Get rid of things that will distract or disturb
When we are organizing the composition through the viewfinder or the camera LCD screen, we can see things that will be written to the images we take. During that time, take a careful look and find out things that will potentially disturb the composition and stuff you do not want to see in the image for example trashes, uninteresting tree branches, or even buildings that should not be seen in the picture. For things like trashes, you can just throw them away but for some immovable things like the buildings which cannot be thrown away, you may need to adjust the position of the camera to get better composition.
Not having a clear point of interest
To make a good photo, we need to add one most prominent element of a photograph which is called point of interest. If a photo does not possess this, it will look so boring.

Over edited
Over-editing will not make your photo look pretty but it will ruin the beauty of the photo itself because it will look so unnatural.

These are several things that can make our photos look less attractive and not so interesting. Do more training and never depend yourself a lot on software. A good photograph is coming from a photographer’s good sentiment and taste in capturing the moment and not from the digital editing through computer.