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Photographer or Photoshopper?

Photographer or Photoshopper
Photographer or Photoshopper

Photographer or Photoshopper
Photographer or Photoshopper

Photography consists of the ancient Greek words “photos” meaning “light” and “graphein” meaning “draw/graph”. So essentially, photography is the practice of drawing with light. So if we’re too dependent on photo-editing programs (such as Photoshop) to create a good photograph, then do we still deserve to be called photographers? Here are some statements as food for thought for those who feel they are photographers.

– Relying on Photoshop is not a crime; it will only hinder the development of your insights in photography.

– A good photograph as a result of Photoshop will not make you proud of carrying a camera.

– You are a true photographer if you still think that photography is difficult.

– Consider Photoshop nonexistent when you are in a photo session. This will ensure a speedy pace in mastering the art of photography.

– Because you are goood photographer, convince yourself that digital imaging is only needed for file management instead of fixing broken photographs.

– When you rely your photography results on Photoshop, you’ve insulted your capabilities as a photographer.

– Other people appreciate photographers because they consider photography hard work. Don’t destroy other photographers’ market by relying more on photoshopping rather than photographing.

– It’s rare for photographers to realize straight away that they’ve produced a lot of digital trash. Usually, it takes looking at them after one or two years.

Photographer and Photoshopper
Photographer and Photoshopper


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