Tips in Determining the Fee for your Photography Services


When starting out with your photography business, the most important thing to determine is how much your services will cost your client. There are many factors to think about when determining your price. Here are some factors to consider: 1. Your photography business have to turn a profit. Any business will need to turn a steady profit for it to grow....

Photography Tips: Photographing Family Events, Groups and Weddings

freestyle pose shot

The most common events that you would be documenting when you're into photography would be your family events, Groups and weddings. Creating memorable wedding and family event photos aren't difficult, as long as it's planned and organized accordingly. Here are some tips to get you going: 1. Be well-prepared. Draw up a check list of all the equipment you'll...

Which Lens should I Buy Next?

Which Lens should I Buy Next

Someone who’s just freshly delved into the world of photography by buying a DSLR with a kit lens will have this question resonating in their thoughts as they go deeper into the rabbit hole of photography. Whether it is for the sake of having a ranged collection of lenses or the desire to widen their photograph horizon in one...

The Art of Purchasing a Used Analogue Camera

The Art of Purchasing a Used Analogue Camera

The golden age of analogue cameras has diminished to make way for a newer more high-tech age of the DSLRs. This however, does not mean that analogues have been pushed into a corner. There’s still a minor breed of young photographers still investing their interest in these most vintage mode of photography. These enthusiasts, however, usually aren’t very...

How Would One Become a Professional Photographer?

Professional Photographer

We now live in a world where DSLRs are everywhere, making more and more people label themselves as photographers. There's also quite a few of those that's been into photography for a while and have honed their skills. They're usually labeled as professional photographers, while those starting out are labeled amateur photographers. On the contrary though,...