The following are some common mistakes made by beginner and amateur photographers. The people at Panasonic found these via a survey they conducted, numbered in order of its frequency.
1. Most common mistake made by digital camera users, of up to 35.2% of the people surveyed, is the loss of battery power. Digital cameras, obviously, only work with batteries installed. Therefore, bestselling digital camera models usually have long battery life (capable of taking up to 500 shots).
2. The second most common mistake, at 29.3%, is the blurriness of the photographs due to camera shakes. Camera shakes are of course the fault of its users. However, a good camera will lessen these affects with its more ergonomic shape and faster shutter speeds.
3. With 22.7%, the third most common mistake is the blurriness of photos because of the mobility of the subject. The misestimating of the photographer in choosing the shutter speed causes this.
4. Time lag comes fourth. Time lag is an incident when a shot is taken too late because the photographer didn’t act quickly enough. Time lag is the time difference between when the shutter is activated, and when the camera reacts.
5. With 16.8%, the fifth most common mistake is inaccurate focusing. This mistake is usually linked to the focusing pit (in other words, the focus is pointed at the background scene).
6. Underexposure, making the pictures too dark (19.3 %)
7. Full memory storage (16.5%)
8. Overexposure, making the pictures too bright (12.2 %)
9. Inaccurate white balance (6.8%)
10. Inaccurate pixel settings (10%)
11. Inaccurate shutter speed(5.4%)
12. And lastly, incorrect ISO settings (3.7%)
So have some, or even all, of these conundrums happen to you? It’s quite common. Mistakes do not mean failure; it’s only an affective way to learn. So learn from it and experiment with different settings until you get it right. The key is not to give up and not to get bored with it too easily. Photography is an art, and art should be fun.
So have fun experimenting, and you’ll be a pro sooner than you expect!