Beginner’s Guide to Architectural Photography
Architectural photography at its best will convey the experience of being in and around a built environment. It is a broad subject, encompassing everything...
5 More Famous Figures’ Last Photographs Before They Died
1. Lady Diana
The above photo was the last photo ever before the crash happened. Many press/paparazi raced to print it as the last...
Canon EOS 1100D vs Canon EOS 1000D
Canon today unveils the new EOS 1100D – the Digital SLR (DSLR) for consumers who want to take the first step on their journey...
5 Famous Figures’ Last Photographs Before They Died (part #1)
1. Wiley Post & Will Rogers
Wiley Post was the first solo pilot to have flown around the world along with his best friend Will...
Street Photography: What You Should Do And What You Should Not
Street photography is not a common genre. Not all people are willing (and brave) to plunge into this type of photography deeply. But for...