Home Beginner's Guide to Photography Tips to Hold The Dslr Camera Properly

Tips to Hold The Dslr Camera Properly

How to Hold The Dslr Camera Properly
How to Hold The Dslr Camera Properly

How to Hold The Dslr Camera Properly
How to Hold The Dslr Camera Properly

In life, there are so many basic and simple things that we do not know well because we think of those things too simple to learn. As the result, we got carried away and consider them as mere and unworthy stuff.

One of the most basic things that should be done well in photography is how to hold a camera properly especially when you work with DSLR camera which is known to be quite heavy. Shooting with DSLR camera is not as easy as using pocket camera or camera phone because while using it, you cannot use one hand only but both of them, one to press the shutter button and rotate the dial button on the camera body and another one to rotate zoom or focal lens.

With good holding technique, we can help to stabilize and reduce oscillation so the image resulted will come out sharp and clear. You may visit the following link to see and learn the tutorial on holding a DSLR camera properly here:


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