Home Beginner's Guide to Photography How to Start Selling Your Photography

How to Start Selling Your Photography

How to start selling your photography
How to start selling your photography

If you have patience, a passion for photography, and think you have what it takes to create sellable stock photographs, consider signing up with a microstock agency.As high quality DSLR cameras are getting more affordable, the gap between skilled amateur and professional photographers is shrinking. More and more people are coming to realize that selling digital photos to stock photo sites is another way to generate the much needed extra income. It is a very easy and simple process a long as you can hold your camera steady enough to take a shot, but there are some things that you should know to help you make the good returns.

1. Register with as many stock photo sites as possible because the more sites you are selling digital photos to the more money you will make (it is a numbers game)

2. Ensure that for every single site you decide to register and submit your photo, you read through their terms of service and also the payment terms. Different sites obviously have different rates of payment and different requirements in terms of what you can and can not submit to their site.

3. Never submit photos of people unless you have their permission to do so, as they can and have the right to sue you.

4. Because I mentioned it is a numbers game does not necessary mean you should upload just any photo. Submit your best works or what you consider to be good enough (use your judgment). Remember someone has to like your work enough to use it.

5. Submitting your photo to the right category is very important. If in doubt as to how to group your photo, you are better of asking than just dumping your photo anywhere as it will either be rejected or go unnoticed (users browse mostly by category).

6. From personal experience I have done very well with photos that cover landscapes taken at different times of the year and different hours of the day (note however that this is my own personal experience)

Once you have applied all of the above properly, selling digital photos willbe a piece of cake and an ongoing process that will help generate you extra money. Be smart and creative with your photos even though you do not need to be a professional, but it will give your photo a high download rate which converts to you know what!
via: ezinearticles.com


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