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Lens Vignetting Problem

Causes and Solutions for Vignettes on Photos

Have you ever had dark areas appearing on the edges of your photograph? If so, that's what is called a lens vignette. Here...
Basic Studio Lighting Setups

Basic Studio Lighting Setups

One of the hardest things to get right in a photograph is the lighting. Too much light, too little light, or a combination of...
Worst case scenarios in photography - Backup Camera

Photographer’s worst case scenarios

As a photographer, whether it be as an amateur or a professional, you've probably experienced difficulties and failures in your work. With preparation...
Common Mistakes when Buying a Camera

5 Common Rookie Mistakes when Buying a Camera

For those of you new to photography, shopping for a new camera can get quite confusing. Oftentimes beginners or amateurs of photography spend...
Damir Sagolj - Photojourlaism Tips

7 Tips for Photojournalism from Reuters Photographer Damir Sagolj

Damir Sagolj is a Reuters photographer from Sarajevo based in Thailand. In the following video, he shares 7 tips regarding photojournalism. Here are the 7...
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