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Tips to Keep Your DSLR Battery Last Longer
For your camera, a battery is like the heart inside our body and there will be a situation where we need a strategy to...
Utilizing an External or Camera’s Flash to Freeze an Object
It can be quite frustrating when the lighting conditions are insufficient when shooting, which makes it difficult to shutter speeds fast enough to freeze...
Tips and Tricks to Make Your Memory Card Last Longer
For a photographer, memory card is a precious asset. It will be so fatal if your memory card is error or damaged in the...
The Greatest Photographers Along With Their Legendary Masterpieces
For some people, these names may sound unfamiliar. However, when you see their works or the images they created, you may say that you...
White Box and Standard Box Canon Lens, What is the Difference?
If you want to buy a lens for Canon DSLR, maybe you would be flustered to choose which version from two that you...