Home Articles In Photography, Timing is Everything!

In Photography, Timing is Everything!

Waiting for perfect moment
Waiting for perfect moment

Waiting for perfect moment
Waiting for perfect moment

Many professional photographers always advice amateurs that “to become a successful photographer, you need to be very very patient.” Yup, in additional to skill and sufficient knowledge of your camera, patience is a very important factor in producing extraordinary photographs. Many amateur photographers fail in creating those quality photos because they lack patience in waiting for that perfect moment to present itself.

Consider the photo examples below:

Unperfect moment photography
Unperfect moment photography

Not what you would call a “perfect” moment

Perfect moment photography
Perfect moment photography

The Perfect Moment

The photos above were take at the same exact position, with the same camera and settings. The only difference here was the timing alone. To capture the photos above, I stood at the edge of a river with my legs half submerged in cold itchy mud. But capturing that perfect moment was worth standing in that same exact position for one hour.

Great moments sometime require sacrifice and preparation. What should you prepare beforehand to be ready for when the perfect moment presents itself? Here are a few tips:

Sometimes the weight of the camera can tire your arms easily. Bring a tripod/monopod to help support your camera for lengthy periods of time so your arms can withstand the long wait.

2.Camera Settings
Set your camera to the M Mode (manual) because when you’re waiting for the perfect moment, you won’t be moving a lot so the settings will usually stay the same. It’s best to use the manual mode to lock that perfect setting for the shot when that moment presents itself.

3.Scout the location beforehand (if possible)
Scout interesting locations beforehand before making decisions to shoot. With that, you’ll get a perfect overview of all the necessary gears to bring. For instance, it’s a good idea to bring a hat for photographing in hot outdoors area and bug-repellent is also a must when planning on photographing in areas with mosquitoes and other bugs. A comfy portable chair will also be great for when you’re waiting for that perfect moment to come across.

4.Determine the best time
Great moments can often be unpredictable. But this doesn’t mean it can’t be calculated. For instance, at the bridge where I photographed, locals usually pass the bridge in the morning and early evening. The best lighting can be achieved between 6 to 9 AM. By going at that time, I’ve greatly increased my chances of getting the moment I want to photograph. By studying and examining the situation of the location, you’ll have a greater chance of getting the best results.

After all the preparations are done, the only other things you need to pack with you are patience and your sense of alert. Don’t let that perfect moment pass you by! Happy shooting!


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