Fine Art Photography: Tips for Photographing a Leaf
Photography can indeed become a hobby that can be done anywhere and at any time. From grandiose landscape photography to the most trivial of objects, photography can be made artistic by its photographer. With the right techniques, accurate lighting, and high artistic taste, a mere leaf can make for an interesting photograph. Here are a few...
Best DSLR Lens : 50mm Lens Is The Must Have Lens In Your Camera Bag
Focal length of 50mm is popular because the field of view that’s in focus is approximately what you see in the real world. There is no distortion of space like in ultra wide angle lens, and it is not compressed like telephoto lens.Therefore, focal length of 50mm is also an honest lens. Because it does not distort the reality....
Tutorial: Creating a Panorama Photo using Adobe Photoshop
Landscape photography are usually accomplished using a wide angle lens. But what if all you have is a telephoto lens but you want to capture a wide landscape shot? No worries, this tutorial will show you how to create a landscape photo using Adobe Photoshop CS6. The main point is to compile a number of photos into one...
DEP and A-DEP Modes Explanation on DSLR
Difference between DEP (AV, A on some camera's) and A-DEP modes Depending on the brand of your digital camera, you may have noticed 2 similar yet different modes on the dial, called DEP and A-DEP. DEP may also be sybolised by the letters AV (Canon) or A (Nikon). This clever A-DEP function allows the Canon camera to pick an F-stop...
Beginner’s Guide to Photography : Controlling Depth of Field
Depth of field refers to the range of distance that appears acceptably sharp. It varies depending on camera type, aperture and focusing distance, although print size and viewing distance can also influence our perception of depth of field.The depth of field does not abruptly change from sharp to unsharp, but instead occurs as a gradual transition. In fact, everything...