Most Famous Female Photographers In The World
All this time, we only know that the world of photography is dominated by male photographers. There are some famous names like James Natchwey in photojournalist photography or Ansel Adam in landscape photography, Chase Jarvis in fashion and commercial photography, Joey Lawrence and many more. But did you know that there are some phenomenal female photographers around that can...
The Nikon D800: Newest Pro Camera in Early 2012
Nikon has just announced a new Pro DSLR that will sell like hotcakes among professional photographers. The Nikon D800 is a camera equipped with the highest photo resolution ever (in the DSLR category) of 36 MP. With a resolution that high, it’ll be a breeze for photographers to capture tiny details when shooting landscapes, fashion, still life,...
Download: Canon EOS 5D User’s Manual
EOS 5D is an old school DSLR Full Frame camera. The EOS 5D is unlike any previous digital SLR in that it combines a full-frame (35 mm sized) high resolution sensor (12.8 megapixels) with a relatively compact body (slightly larger than the EOS 20D, although in your hand it feels noticeably 'chunkier'). The EOS 5D is aimed to slot...
Tips: Determining your Pre Wedding Photo Shoot Themes
It’s quite simple to find inspirations for constructing an interesting set of pre wedding photography to display during your wedding reception. Location, atmosphere, and costume can be chosen to support the theme that both of you can relate to. The following are a few guidelines to determining that perfect theme for your special day: 1. Personal Memory Photo Theme One...
The First Person Who Invented the Selfie Stick
Long before it got featured in a magazine in 1995; SELFIE STICK already existed since 1980.The founder is a Japanese man called Hiroshi Ueda. He was inspired to create this tool after he felt that he could not always rely on others to take the photos of himself during his trips to tourism spots. The story goes like this....