What You Need to Know About Fisheye Lens

Nikon Fisheye 6mm

The term, fisheye, first mentioned in 1906 by a physician and inventor called Robert W. Wood based on the point of view of a fish inside the water. The practical use started in 1920 in the field of meteorology to study the formation of cloud which was called “whole-sky” lens. The angle from fisheye lens is commonly around 100...

Facts and Myths about Camera Lenses

Facts and Myths Camera Lenses

Myth: Anti-Shake means the photos will always be sharp. Image stabilizer, Vibration Reduction, SteadyShot and other less known titles are just different tags manufacturers use for one similar system: Vibration reducer. This system reduces vibration caused by shaky hands, providing you with sharp images. This feature can be deemed a must-have if you’re planning to use a telephoto...

Download Photography Software: HotPixel Adobe Photoshop Plug-in

Download Photography Software HotPixel Adobe Photoshop Plug-in

HotPixel is an Adobe Photoshop© compatible filter/plugin designed to remove "hot pixel" noise from digital images. "Hot pixel" noise often occurs when taking a photograph with a consumer digital camera using a long exposure in low light situations. It appears as coloured dots of around one pixel in size. This plug-in automatically detects and removals of these hot pixels without...

11 Tips for On Stage Photography

11 tips for On Stage Photography - Dramatic Stage Photography

Of all the types of photography ever invented, I would claim that live concert photography is up there among the most difficult ones. You have five thousand fans behind you, and there is a band in front of you. Nobody stands still. In fact, even the notion of standing still ruins the idea of a good music photo. The...

Creating Dark Blue Sky Using Polarizer Filter

Creating Dark Blue Sky Using Polarizer Filter - CPL Effect

In photography and videography, a filter is a camera accessory consisting of an optical filter that can be inserted in the optical path. The filter can be a square or oblong shape mounted in a holder accessory, or, more commonly, a glass or plastic disk with a metal or plastic ring frame, which can be screwed in front of...