5 False Myths In Photography

False Photography Myth

In the world of photography we find so many kinds of myth that influence our belief on some truths. Some of them are true but the rests are false. It is very important for us to analyze the information coming our way that are doing rounds in society. For common people, they believe those myths and they thrive with...

Photography Tips: Creating Extraordinary Picture During Golden Hours

Photography Tips Creating Extraordinary Picture During Golden Hours - When The Sun Goes Down

In photography, the golden hour (sometimes known as magic hour, especially in cinematography) is the first and last hour of sunlight during the day, when a specific photographic effect is achieved due to the quality of the light.The sunlight during those hours creates soft warm hues, as oppose to the overtly bright tones you’d find during midday. In the middle...

Advantages on Photo-Hunting Alone

Photo-Hunting Alone

Many of my friends are not comfortable traveling alone when they want to hunt for photos. Maybe they think they'll feel lonely, unsafe, and not confident enough to carry around a camera on their own. There are however a number of advantages to going at it alone. Some of these are: FREE TO CHOOSE YOUR OWN AREAS AND SPOTS...

Why did Einstein Stick Out his Tongue in his Portrait?

Why did Einstein Stick Out his Tongue in his Portrait

Why do you think Einstein stuck out his tongue in his most famous portrait? Many have asked that question, and there are even those that think it's a photoshopped image. Turns out, this really was an authentic photograph and not the least bit photoshopped. So what's the back story of this portrait? What happened was, Albert Einstein, his wife,...

The EDFAT Method in Photojournalism

EDFAT Method in Photojournalism

There’s something called the EDFAT method in photojournalism to help create a good photo essay. Through this method, the photographer will proceed to find the right photo frame that’s creative and can collect a complete data to be displayed in the photo essay. This method was introduced by the “Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Telecommunication” in...