Tips to Improve Your Skills in Photography
Learning photography is indeed, very enjoyable, especially, when we are just in the start of experiencing a new camera. But then that passion will slowly fade away. You will feel tedious and reluctant to learn again. There are some tips and tricks to always improve your skill in photography and ways to make you feel not easily bored by...
Download Photography PDF: Outdor Photography Articles
Whether you are a professional or an amateur photographer, the opportunity to be out in nature and do something you love is a pleasure. The great outdoors is the ultimate in photographic subject matter. So go outside and train your viewfinder upon nature's bounty, or at least try to put some distance between yourself and your computer. There is always...
Tips for Shooting Macro Photographs of Insects
Macro photography or macro photography is a photograph taken with a very close range to capture high detail on the size of small objects such as insects, dew drops, the composition of wooden pencils and etc. Macro image usually has a ratio of 1:1 where the resulted image is in the same size as the original object. Currently, Macro Photography...
Interesting Facts of Selfie Stick You Need to Know
Who does not know SELFIE stick? Almost all photographers know or even have and use this photography accessory. This is a stick like monopod that can be extended or folded with a special sitting on it where you can attach your Smartphone or pocket camera. Apart from that, there are some of them that feature wireless shutter remote. Its...