Common Mistakes in Cleaning a Camera or Lens

Wrong way to cleaning a camera

A camera is, of course, an essential asset to a photographer. To protect said asset, regular maintenance is necessary. But there are many novice photographers who does the opposite in the name of maintenance. Instead of keeping it at tip top shape, they end up unknowingly damage their valuable camera. What are the do's and...

9 Easy Steps to Achieve Panning in Photography

9 Easy Steps to Achieve Panning in Photography

One of the most creative ways to show movement is to use a technique called panning. The image featured on this page is an example of panning. Panning is a photography technique that “freezes” a moving subject while adding motion blur to the background, giving the viewer a distinct sense of movement in the image. This...

Macro Photography Equipment for Beginner

Macro Photography Equipment for Beginner

In a strict sense, macro means that the subject being photographed is projected onto the image sensor at a lifesize scale, or 1:1 (one to one) magnification. Macro photography is close-up photography of usually very small objects. The classical definition is that the image projected on the "film plane" (i.e., film or a digital sensor) is close to the...

SD Card Capacity for DSLR

SD Card Capacity for DSLR

In computing, JPEG is a commonly used method of lossy compression for digital photography (image).It is the most common image file type captured by digital cameras, from standard point-and-shoot to DSLRs, and it provides easy compatibility with desktop software and Internet upload sites. The term "JPEG" is an acronym for the Joint Photographic Experts Group which created the standard. The...

The Best Lens for Portrait Photography

Best Lens for Head Shot Photography

Many novice photographers ask, “which lens is best for photographing head shots/portraits, and why?” Actually, suitable or not a lens is depends on the needs of the photographer. What you need to familiarize yourself with is actually the characters of the lens you're using and how it effects the proportions of the object's face that you're photographing....