Advanced Tips for Flash Photography

Advanced Tips for Flash Photography

Light, we all know, is everything in photography. No wonder then that it is so hard to work with a digital camera's flash. Sure,...
Digital Camera's Arch Enemies

6 Digital Camera’s Arch Enemies

Many assumes that the shutter count of a camera determines the age of the camera. There's some truth in that, but it's not...
How to Clean Your DSLR Sensor

How to Clean Your DSLR Sensor

Sensors allow DSLR cameras to capture light and produce the digital image. It is, in short, the heart of a DSLR camera. Because they...
Photographer or Photoshopper

Photographer or Photoshopper?

Photography consists of the ancient Greek words “photos” meaning “light” and “graphein” meaning “draw/graph”. So essentially, photography is the practice of drawing with...
Selective Color Photography Using Adobe Photoshop

Selective Color Photography Using Adobe Photoshop: Part 3

In Selective Color Photography Using Adobe Photoshop part 1 and part 2, I’ve explained how to achieve a selective color photograph using masking and...