What You Need to Know About Fisheye Lens
The term, fisheye, first mentioned in 1906 by a physician and inventor called Robert W. Wood based on the point of view of a...
Facts and Myths about Camera Lenses
Myth: Anti-Shake means the photos will always be sharp.
Image stabilizer, Vibration Reduction, SteadyShot and other less known titles are just different tags manufacturers use...
Download Photography Software: HotPixel Adobe Photoshop Plug-in
HotPixel is an Adobe Photoshop© compatible filter/plugin designed to remove "hot pixel" noise from digital images. "Hot pixel" noise often occurs when taking a...
11 Tips for On Stage Photography
Of all the types of photography ever invented, I would claim that live concert photography is up there among the most difficult ones. You...
Creating Dark Blue Sky Using Polarizer Filter
In photography and videography, a filter is a camera accessory consisting of an optical filter that can be inserted in the optical path. The...