Fill In Flash Photography Tips
Fill flash is a photographic technique used to brighten deep shadow areas, typically outdoors on sunny days, though the technique is useful any time...
Beginner’s Guide to Photography: Still Life Photography tips
Still Life images can be just about anything that doesn't move. Still life photographs consist of inanimate objects, often arranged in some striking or...
Facts About Amateur and Professional Cameras
No camera is especially designed for beginners. Even if there are cameras labeled as professional or entry-level, the difference exist in the feature...
10 Unique and Weird Selfie Photo Tools
In today’s day and age, technology is developing so fast. Back then, cell phone was used only for communication and now, there are so...
The Start of the Age of Camera Phones
Nowadays, a camera phone is something of a daily staple in our lives. The quality of images these camera phones can also be...