Home Beginner's Guide to Photography Tips and Tricks on Capturing the Shots of Cityscapes

Tips and Tricks on Capturing the Shots of Cityscapes

Singapore Cityscape
Singapore Cityscape
Singapore Cityscape
Singapore Cityscape

Cityscapes or city sceneries are one of the most interesting objects of photography.
With a correct method, we can present the beautiful urban development with a stunning view on an image. Not only the good side of it, but some photographers are capable of taking snaps of the traffic and the city under flood and making them look amazing.

In order to be able to snap the city look or cityscape and to create satisfying results for ourselves or others, it is better to pay attention to the following tips here.

1.Do some on-location research
If we get no time for this research, we can look at others’ images taken on the same location. Observe, analyze but do not forget to do some modifications so we will not appear to be copying others’ works.

Apart from that, research on location will be useful for us to find out if we need special permissions to those locations where we are going to shoot.

Cityscape Photography Tips
Cityscape Photography Tips

2.Prepare a correct lens
To shoot cityscape, one does not have to use wide lens like in most landscapes. It is true that wide lens will be good because by using it we will get to capture all we want in one frame. But do not forget about the distortion aspect of the wide lens, it may make the buildings that we have in the image look sideways.

Apart from that, taking some choices of lenses will help us when we want to take images from different angles. For example when we take a close up of an interesting building, a Tele lens or fix lens will be very useful. Or when we like to show something different, there are so many photographers who love to use fish-eye lens. The point is not to get stuck on one particular lens only.

Australia Cityscape
Australia Cityscape

3.Choose a good timing
Shooting something is related closely to timing. Take a good look on the city and the object condition that we would like to capture on camera. What is the season there? is it better to take it in the morning, day or night? Moreover, pay attention to the crowd and the line of people who are going to shoot in the same location. All those aspects need to be considered to get the maximum result.

How to Capture Cityscape
How to Capture Cityscape

4.Understand the basic of photography
This is the most basic tip on learning photography. When we shoot a cityscape, we have to know all the settings and tools we need. There is nothing reciprocal here; all are according to our own requirements. The setting can be done by us. Yet you must know, if we shoot during the evening or night when use narrow aperture, we will get slower speed. That is why we need tripod. The point is to learn and to prepare properly.

Kangaroo Point Cityscape
Kangaroo Point Cityscape

5.Strengthened the composition
Composition will be very determining for the beauty of the resulted image. There are so many ways we can learn to make composition in our cityscape image look interesting. If you do not fully understand, you may learn from the composition of other photographers’ images. Look at the object placement, foreground, background, rule of third and etc.


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