Home Photography Tips and Tutorial Photography Tips: The Zooming Photography Technique

Photography Tips: The Zooming Photography Technique

Zooming Photography Technique
Zooming Photography Technique

Zooming Photography Technique
Zooming Photography Technique

Zooming is a photography technique that gives the impression of motion in the pictures by changing the focal length of the lens.

Adjustments of focal lengths can only be done in zoom lenses. The zoom lens is a lens that has a range of adjustable focal lengths; such as the 18-55 mm, 16-35 mm, and 70-200 mm.

To achieve the impression of motion, you have to use a shutter speed of 1/30 seconds or less. High shutter speeds will result in a freezed photograph.

If your hands aren’t stable enough in holding the camera, use a tripod to get maximum results.

Here are the steps to applying the zooming technique:

1. Position the zoom lens at the longest or shortest focal length.

2. Adjust your shutter speed to not be any faster than 1/30 seconds. Slower shutter speeds will make for a more dramatic zoom effect, but will have a higher need for stability for sharpness.

3. Change the focal length position at the same time as when you push the shutter button. If it was previously set at its shortest focal length, change the lens position to its longest focal length, and vice versa. Try to do both (press the shutter button and change the zoom lens position) simultaneously.

4. Important note: Do not overuse this zooming photography technique because in many cases, the continuous toggling of the zoom will cause the flexi cable inside the lens to easily break resulting in lens error.

The following are examples of photographs that utilized the zooming technique:

Zooming Photography Technique by Jakob Wagnor
Zooming Photography Technique by Jakob Wagnor

Zoom Photography  by Jakob Wagnor
Zoom Photography by Jakob Wagnor

images by MANOJKUMAR

zooming photography effect
zooming photography effect

zooming photography tricks
zooming photography tricks


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