Home Photography Videos Photography-Themed Rube Goldberg Machine by 2D Photography Inc.

Photography-Themed Rube Goldberg Machine by 2D Photography Inc.

Photography-Themed Rube Goldberg Machine by 2D Photography Inc.
Photography-Themed Rube Goldberg Machine by 2D Photography Inc.

Photography-Themed Rube Goldberg Machine by 2D Photography Inc.
Photography-Themed Rube Goldberg Machine by 2D Photography Inc.

I’m sure you’ve seen those domino effect contraptions people concoct and post up on the web or some of you may even have experimented at home. These domino effect videos demonstrating the concept of a chain reaction made from various (usually themed) objects have also made its way to a few commercials. They’re commonly known as “Rube Goldberg” machines. (Youtube it, you’ll find pages of interesting ones!) They are quite fascinating to watch. Most commonly known might be from the Honda commercial a while back.

The 2D Photography Inc. came up with a most captivating set, combining various photography gadgets and accessories to make quite a long Rube Goldberg Machine. Simply put, it’s pretty mind-boggling. The precision and timing of each item, which then correlates with the rest, is mesmerizing. You’ll find yourself glued to the screen as the ball rolls and the process runs its course, utilizing these photography tools like we’d never thought to use.

And you’ll come to appreciate it more as you watch the behind-the-scene, listening to the makers explain how they meticulously built the contraption from scratch. A lot of hours and trial and errors were put into creating this 4-minute visual gem.

Enjoy! Maybe this will inspire you to create your own. Share them if you do 🙂

A Bit About the Rube – 2D Photography Rube Goldberg BTS


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