Home Photography Books Digital SLR Photography All-in-One For Dummies

Digital SLR Photography All-in-One For Dummies

Digital SLR Photography All-in-One For Dummies front cover
Digital SLR Photography All-in-One For Dummies front cover

Digital SLR Photography All-in-One For Dummies front cover
Digital SLR Photography All-in-One For Dummies front cover

If you have a digital SLR camera, you’ll find everything you need in this full-color reference to help you get the best results. Ten self-contained minibooks cover the basics of dSLR photography and address camera models from the five leading dSLR manufacturers. Topics include lenses, exposure, lighting, composition, processing and editing, a guide to manufacturers and systems, and a guide to camera settings, plus separate minibooks covering video and high dynamic range (HDR) photography.

* This full-color volume covers all the key elements essential to good photography as well as the basics of camera bodies and lenses, dSLR workflow, and advice on the best camera settings to use for different situations
* Covers lighting, composition, and exposure as well as macro and telephoto lenses
* Features minibooks on video, HDR photography, processing and editing images, and a guide to leading camera manufacturers and systems.

Digital SLR Photography All-in-One For Dummies sample image
Photograped by Robert Correll

Digital SLR Photography All-in-One For Dummies replaces an entire shelf of digital photography books and helps you get the photos you dream of.


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