Home Articles Unique Photography Project: The Little People Project

Unique Photography Project: The Little People Project

Slinkachu Photography - Last Kiss
Slinkachu Photography - Last Kiss

Slinkachu Photography - Last Kiss
Slinkachu Photography - Last Kiss

Slinkachu is a artist based in London. He showcases an extraordinary work of photography aptly named “The Little People Project,” which consists of photographs of miniatures. What’s interesting, these photos were shot by staging a scene of miniatures in streets, creating a world like no other.

Slinkachu has been an ongoing project since 2006, and has been shot in many cities of every corner of the work. After photographs, the miniatures are left there as is on the streets and due to its tiny size, any random things can happen to them.

Slinkachu is his alias, and he tightly conceal his real name. He was once an art director in London when he started his artistic miniature photographs as a hobby.

The miniature people incorporated into Slinkachu‘s works are 4 cm tall and is therefore quite microscopic. Slinkachu‘s works has been features in various news sites and the Art Street Journal. You can also view and admire his creative works of art at his personal website http://little-people.blogspot.com/.

Slinkachu Photography  - Death and Taxes
Slinkachu Photography - Death and Taxes

Slinkachu Photography - animals
Slinkachu Photography - animals

Slinkachu Photography - Maz and Joe
Slinkachu Photography - Maz and Joe

Slinkachu Photography - Relics
Slinkachu Photography - Relics

Slinkachu Photography - The Last Stand
Slinkachu Photography - The Last Stand

Slinkachu Photography - The Sights
Slinkachu Photography - The Sights

Slinkachu Photography - misfortunates
Slinkachu Photography - misfortunates


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